When you choose to stay at Columbus Grand Hotel & Banquet Center you will experience the comfort of your home with a multitude of services and amenities. The hotel offers FREE WI-FI, a FREE breakfast, and FREE parking. Enjoy a variety of room types at the best rates Columbus has to offer. The friendly staff is always ready to welcome both business and leisure travelers to Columbus, OH.
Room features a King size bed with a pillowtop mattress Choose from Smoking or Non-Smoking
Room features 2 Double Beds with pillowtop mattresses.
Choose from Smoking or Non-Smoking
Room features a King size bed with a pillowtop mattress and a 2 Person In-Room Jacuzzi
Room features a King or Queen size bed with a pillowtop mattress and a Handicap Accessible bathroom
Room features 2 Double Beds with a pillowtop mattress and a Handicap Accessible bathroom